
  • If a booking is cancelled refundable will be given in the form of booking credit, no cash refund will be given in any case.
  • If cancelled Up to 7 days prior to your scheduled check-in time: 25% cancellation fee (the full amount of your booking) will apply and you will be required to pay to Hotel West Blue that amount less any amount which you have already paid.
  • If cancelled Prior to 7 days of your scheduled check-in time: a 50% cancellation fee (50% of your total booking amount) will apply and you will be required to pay the 50% of total amount of your booking less any amount which you have already paid.
  • No-Shows or Terminations
  • If you do not show up for your booking or terminate your booking early after you have checked in you will be charged a 100% cancellation fee and will be required to pay to Hotel West Blue the full amount of your booking less any amount which you have already paid.